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SUV bombardımanı!
SUV ve crossover’lara olan yoğun ilgiyi gören markalar, adeta yeni model bombardımanına geçti
SUV ve crossover’lara olan yoğun ilgiyi gören markalar, adeta yeni model bombardımanına geçti
Issue #1
Author name is clearly visible on original page, but not in this template.
- Deleted Account
- Hi,
1. The field you marked is not used to place the author name in. You can check it with the template #21 which shows this field as the author name for the url you reported:
The text you see in the example above is "Fotoğraf: Alamy" which means "Photo: Alamy" in Turkish, so it's used as figure caption there, instead of the author name.
As you can see, if a template uses this as author name, it'd be a mistake.
2. I've checked approximately 15 URLs (from the same category) for this case and only one of them had author name there and it was this URL you just reported. This field was empty for other ones. Here's the category of this news to check further:
Thanks for reporting.
- Declined by admin
- Type of issue
- IV page is missing essential content
- Reported
- Feb 10, 2019