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Issue #2

span class="tag" should be removed
Accepted by admin
I understand why you think that, and on this particular page, I'd agree with you. However, this tag does not always contain an article "category" like here.

For example, at , it's "Examens 2017", which is more like a kicker (refer to the "uber sex claims" example from the checklist); it describes what the article is about.

At , the tag content is "UPDATE"; an important piece of text indicating that the article is about a recent development on a case. This is also the case at .

Furthermore, the 2.0 element <mark> clearly tells the user that the word isn't part of the article text itself. Having "photo series" here does not make the IV any less clear or less useful.
Continued @
Accepted by admin
The tag doesn't seem essential in all provided examples as well.
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Feb 24, 2019