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Должность: Заместитель руководителя департамента градостроительной политики города Москвы

Issue #3

The page must not generate IV:

1. "УПОМИНАНИЯ В НОВОСТЯХ" - mentions in news. Might be a highly dynamic list.
2. There's rating, that seems to be important for the person profile, but can't be displayed in IV, since it's dynamic too.

This page just accumulates all the content related to this person.
Accepted by admin
Александр Столяров
Okay. I want to add a list for the correctness of your position.
Example, for page not include as related:
1. "РОДИЛИСЬ В ОДИН ДЕНЬ" - mentions in persons. Might be a highly dynamic list when offen add new persons on site.
2. "УПОМИНАЕТСЯ ВМЕСТЕ" – the list focuses on meeting two people in one news item and might be a highly dynamic list.
Accepted by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 22, 2019