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Issue #1

Videos are part of the content BUT NOT the article. Authors provided clean plain text just in case of the users, that don't want or don't have an opportunity to watch the full video. It is critically important for telegram users to have such opportunity.
Elian Doran
There are three videos here and you consider that they are completely irrelevant? Personally, I highly doubt, I can only hope for an admin's verdict.

Note how the introductory paragraphs of the videos match the page title (James Comey’s testimony leaves an unanswered question about Jeff Sessions):

1. "Stunning testimony from former FBI director James Comey"
2. "WATCH: How is James Comey’s testimony playing in the U.S. media?"
3. "WATCH: Comey explains why he recorded Trump meetings, but not other Presidents"
Declined by admin
The videos are relevant.
Type of issue
IV not generated for target page
Jun 9, 2017