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Issue #3

Well, it should be rather a controversial issue.
The problem is that such a content is hidden in a sidebar in original. In IV template it messes with the contents of the article.
I suppose, that the general rule is like that: "If the user can't see something on a target page, it shouldn't be generated in the IV template".
And the user can see this block only if he open developer tools and remove "height-collapse" class on the page, which seems to be quite an unusual behavior.
Declined by admin
This insert does appear in the original. Although it could be argued that there are better ways of presenting this content (we'd suggest a divider before and after the insert to make its true place more clear in future revisions), we see no critical issues in presenting this content in IV per se. To see the content the user needs merely press 'read more' on the original website — hardly an unusual action.
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Jun 3, 2017