This block isn't a part of the article and shouldn't be in the IV of this page. It's a dynamically generated block of articles on similar topic (similarity that's determined automatically and based on the article tags). Here you can see that this block is constantly being refreshed:
"Other types of “More” links that are not suitable for the “Related articles” block should be removed, provided this is technically possible without endangering essential content. Examples: - (Consistently) random unrelated articles. - Dynamic lists of “Latest articles from this category”."
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This block isn't a part of the article and shouldn't be in the IV of this page. It's a dynamically generated block of articles on similar topic (similarity that's determined automatically and based on the article tags). Here you can see that this block is constantly being refreshed:
"Other types of “More” links that are not suitable for the “Related articles” block should be removed, provided this is technically possible without endangering essential content. Examples:
- (Consistently) random unrelated articles.
- Dynamic lists of “Latest articles from this category”."