Issue #2
- Declined by admin
- See
If Telegram will support m3u8 later on, this will work out of the box. Marking it as unsupported would be as fine as setting it as src.
- Type of issue
- Author added their own content
- Reported
- Mar 9, 2019
Since m3u8 is not going to be supported as src for <video> tag in html standard (at least for now). It seems unlikely that IV will somehow implement this and support this solution. So, essentially, your template will create a kinda broken IV.
Yet, if you mark this as unsupported, there is a chance that IV will run some scripts on the page and will be able to actually show a video.
However, there is little faith in that too.
In the end, it's better to not create IV at all, than to create a broken or incomplete one.