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Issue #1

Ok, I'll report this issue to myself because I really don't know what to do. So I started to handle image captions for this website. Page by page I was adding new rules to make universal algorithm for whole website. Then I understood that captions markup in absolutely inconsistent and orderless. There is no specific classes or other attributes, only style="...". Then I discovered some content(captions) disappeared after processing by template. So I decided to delete all these rules to just preserve all the captions even if they will formatted as <p> so no text will endangered. Such hell exists in older articles and subdomains while new pages has good markup and handled properly. IV templates designed to handle consistent content while these captions are not consistent. So I really hope you will not decline my template because of it. Here are a few samples from only 2 articles:
this article:
<p><img><span>[split caption part 1]</span><span>[split caption part 2
Declined by admin
Since the text can't be identified as a caption, it's acceptable to leave it as it is
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Feb 23, 2019