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Овсяные панкейки с бананом
Ингредиенты  Яйцо, 2 шт Банан, 1 шт Овсяная мука, 3-4 ст. ложки Корица, по вкусу СПОСОБ ПРИГОТОВЛЕНИЯ   Разбиваем яйца. В отдельной миске банан размешиваем до однородной массы. Добавляем банан в яйца. Добавляем овсяную муку и корицу по вкусу. Жарим панкейки на сухой сковороде

Issue #2

This is not a question mark in original article. Should be replaced by emoji
Andrew A.
That's an IV issue, not mine. In the original section, you can see the exact same character. Why should I replace the original content with something I want?

And you added your own content by replacing the question mark by a character of your choice. In other articles, there can be another character, not an avocado emoji, but you won't display it because you THINK this character is an avocado emoji.
Declined by admin
The reporter's templates doesn't properly handles this case:
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Feb 12, 2019