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Issue #1

Related articles. They are static and not random.
Pretty version here:

These articles are static, but they are not really thematically related to the current article (see beginning of the Checklist 6.3.2)

Translating from your example:
Main article: A tarantula was spotted attacking a possum cub in the Amazon
Fire: what is it? Click and find out once and for all!
YouTube will charge monthly premium content
What would it be like to return to Earth from a distant galaxy

I think, none of these articles is related to main.

There are also true related articles here (yellow marked on the screenshot: "Inside the heart of a tarantula"), but there is no technical possibility to format they without endangering essential content. See issues to old templates here with possible side effects.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 10, 2019