That's some strange way to format related articles.
Here's what the manual says about the <related> tag:
""" <related> containing one of <h1> – <h6> tag as header of the block and <a> tags with the attribute href containing a URL of related article. Note: Only articles that have an IV will appear in this block on the IV page. """
The block header is for the whole blocks, not individual links. It's supposed to say something like "Ralted articles" or "Read more". You shouldn't duplicate the text of each link as a header. This will result in duplicated content when the IV engine inject the articles' links.
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Here's what the manual says about the <related> tag:
<related> containing one of <h1> – <h6> tag as header of the block and <a> tags with the attribute href containing a URL of related article. Note: Only articles that have an IV will appear in this block on the IV page.
The block header is for the whole blocks, not individual links. It's supposed to say something like "Ralted articles" or "Read more". You shouldn't duplicate the text of each link as a header. This will result in duplicated content when the IV engine inject the articles' links.