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il Resto del Carlino
Vasco Rossi in visita ai bambini ricoverati al Rizzoli di Bologna
Dal 1995 la rockstar è testimonial della onluns Ansabbio (Video a cura di Nicoletta Tempera)

Issue #1

This video has no figcaption
Fabio Murru
"Any captions present in the source article must be preserved.
If the image has no caption, but has meaningful text in the alt attribute, you may use that text as the caption"

If a caption is present in the source have to be preserved.
The second phrase implies that even if a caption isn't visible can be used, even the alt attribute.

This site uses a JSON that describes the various object used in the page, for videos exists the object type "VideoObject" that also contains a "name" that is always used as the caption for videos, and in most of them is showed at the top.

You have simply found a player that doesn't show it directly.
At most it could be optional to support since is not visible, but it's content present in the source.
Look at these screenshots:
Declined by admin
Type of issue
Author added their own content
Apr 8, 2019