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A Discover Pandora sokat ígér, de a műanyag valóság elég kiábrándító. Ki akar sok pénzt fizetni megtapizható ürülékkupacokért?
A Discover Pandora sokat ígér, de a műanyag valóság elég kiábrándító. Ki akar sok pénzt fizetni megtapizható ürülékkupacokért?

Issue #2
pullquote(aside) was marked as a table
- valid
- This is intentional of course. Check original site: divs with this class are on the right, serving Wikipedia-like information about the articles topic. They have the class "keretes" which means "framed" in hungarian. So they're best as a table, by no means as a pullquote, as they're not part of the texts flow. Scroll below te see real pullquotes presented as aside
- Declined by admin
- This formatting is acceptable and even looks better than a simple pullquote
- Type of issue
- Author added their own content
- Reported
- Feb 8, 2019