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Wide Margins and Surprises in Indiewire’s Film Critics Poll
Wide Margins and Surprises in Indiewire's Film Critics Poll

Issue #2

I think it would be best to remove this related block.

I'm using an old article to show that this is dynamic because it shows a 2018 article in related block.
Mykhailo Komendant
The classname of block is 'single-related-posts'; these links is not just some random links from category - they are related to article (based on topics of current article). I think this block can be used as <related>.
I dont understand why everyone think that related articles MUST be written earlier than current article.

Let's the admin decide what should we do with this block - if Im wrong and it must be removed, than next participant will won :) (or not, I dont know)
Declined by admin
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Mar 21, 2019