Processed Issues43

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #2 Issue #1
Feb 5, 2019
additional image lacks media caption
Accepted by admin
Template #3 Issue #3
Feb 5, 2019
photo gallery with could be parsed
Accepted by admin
Template #4 Issue #1
Feb 6, 2019
Rudimentary content not removed
these are related articles. also they are very essential for this kind of posts, because this site tends to split text between multiple pages
Accepted by admin
In this case it's technically possible to generate IV for both pages using inline function
Template #4 Issue #2
Feb 6, 2019
EXCEPTION! Slideshows must not be used:

When the article consists entirely of a slideshow (and its caption/description) and there's no other content.
Declined by admin
Template #4 Issue #3
Feb 8, 2019
Wrong author. This article is not written by Coro Mountana (editor). "Penulis" means writer or author in Indonesia.
Declined by admin
This author can't be identified as an author (looks like a simple text in the source code)
Template #7 Issue #1
Feb 9, 2019
Lost bold subtitle
Alex Schneider
I agree that this is a valid issue, but I wouldn't consider it critical.
Accepted by admin
Template #11 Issue #1
Feb 10, 2019
Missing caption
Accepted by admin
The caption is missing.
Template #11 Issue #2
Feb 10, 2019
video is missed
Accepted by admin
The YouTube video is missing.
Template #11 Issue #3
Feb 10, 2019
Remove it or add to figcaption
Accepted by admin
Captions are missing.
Template #7 Issue #2
Feb 10, 2019
Wrong title
Accepted by admin
Template #15 Issue #1
Feb 11, 2019
It should be removed or added as related
Alex Schneider
These are links to the different parts (pages, basically) of the same article, each part on its own URL. They are essential for the reader to see that there are multiple pages and navigate between them. I've considered a few ways of dealing with them.

- Inline the parts using iframes and @inline
Not only does this seem unnecessarily difficult, but also silly. Since each part has its own URL, after inlining them, IVs for all the parts would be identical. Users would share a link to a certain part and then get an IV for the whole article.

- Format them as related links
This is how it was made in the previous version of my template, but then I realized there are a couple of issues with this, too.
1. I'm not sure how related links are displayed by IVs, but I think it won't be clear to the reader which link leads to which part.
2. Some of the parts may contain unsupported content preventing the IV to be generated. According to a note in Checklist, "If pages have no IV, they will not be displayed.". It means th
Declined by admin
This seems to be a reasonable way to handle the source page's pagination.

Since the article is split into 2 pages, the contents of the pages must be accessible in the IV. They cannot be simply removed.

Also, converting these links into <related> blocks is not necessarily a good idea, because if a related link doesn't generate an IV link, the link won't show at all. Plus, <related> links show up as similar to link previews (name of article, desc, image preview), which can be quite different than how pagination looks. This can become confusing to a reader.
Template #15 Issue #2
Feb 13, 2019
this type of articles splitted into multiple parts can be inlined properly.
check this issue
Alex Schneider
These are parts (pages, basically) of the same article, each on its own URL. The links are static. I've considered a few ways of dealing with them.

- Inline
Since each part has its own URL, after inlining them, IVs for all the parts would be identical. Imagine a user who wants to share a video on the 5th part and gets an IV for the whole article. This is just weird and unexpected.

- Format as <related>
1. I'm not sure how related links are displayed by IVs, but I think it won't be clear to the reader which link leads to which part.
2. Some of the parts may contain unsupported content preventing the IV to be generated. In such a case no link will be shown to that part.

- Keep them in the body
This way the experience for the reader will be identical in IV and on the actual website. I decided to do it this way and add clear captions ("Daftar Isi" means "Table of Contents", "Bagian" means "Part").
Accepted by admin
Template #18 Issue #1
Feb 13, 2019
this type of articles splitted into multiple parts can be inlined properly.
check this issue
Accepted by admin
Handling pagination through <related> is not a good idea.

The <related> blocks will not always show, for instance, if related links do not generate IV.

Related links also display as link previews (article name, desc, image preview), which is quite different than how pagination looks.
Template #22 Issue #1
Feb 13, 2019
this type of articles splitted into multiple parts can be inlined properly.
check this issue
Deleted Account
For this problem, I found that three Telegram arbitrer or admin (in other site contests) made different resolutions for this. Admin in the contest of this site teds to recommends using @inline (and tagged the other resolutions wrong), other suggestions using the <related> block, and others say that multi-page navigation is better to leave as is. So, if Telegram itself does not have an "official way" for this problem, is this issue still worth debating?
Accepted by admin
Handling pagination through <related> is not a good idea either way though.

The <related> blocks will not always show, for instance, if related links do not generate IV.

Related links also display as link previews (article name, desc, image preview), which is quite different than how pagination looks.
Template #24 Issue #1
Feb 13, 2019
this type of articles splitted into multiple parts can be inlined properly.
check this issue
Accepted by admin
The content of the second page is not accessible here at all. This means essential content is missing from the IV.
Template #24 Issue #2
Feb 13, 2019
Sorry, but It's still not figcaption
Map all dives with images, change div into figure, div with img-source class into cite. If this figure have neighbour with caption append it to figure changing tag to figcaption
Accepted by admin
Template #24 Issue #3
Feb 13, 2019
caption is missing. this image has both <figcaption> and <cite>
Accepted by admin
Template #28 Issue #1
Feb 13, 2019
Author name doublicated
it is a plain text. different patterns are used for this kind of author mentions.
check this issue
Declined by admin
Template #15 Issue #3
Feb 14, 2019
I believe image credit for image on article body must combined into caption like page cover (which this template handled very well).
Accepted by admin
Template #28 Issue #2
Feb 15, 2019
No figcaption
Accepted by admin
Template #29 Issue #1
Feb 16, 2019
The image is missing the link and credits.
Accepted by admin
Template #33 Issue #1
Feb 16, 2019
IV not generated for static pages from block "TEMPAT OLAHRAGA" it contains content about sport centers
Alex Schneider
Those aren't periodic posts. Generating IVs for them is not required.
Accepted by admin
Template #35 Issue #1
Feb 18, 2019
Not sure, but it seems to me that it is important to leave this part
I decided to use @inline to join all pages into one.
Maybe there're some methods to improve this decision, because i don't think it's perfect
Declined by admin
it's okay to use this function.
Template #35 Issue #3
Feb 19, 2019
wairbar is not removed
Accepted by admin
Template #35 Issue #4
Feb 19, 2019
this page has dynamic contet
Accepted by admin
Dynamic. content
Template #36 Issue #1
Feb 20, 2019
Social media links is not removed.
Alex Schneider
In this case the social media links are contacts of the gym. They are essential to the page and I believe they should be preserved.
Declined by admin
Template #36 Issue #2
Feb 20, 2019
multi page websites can implement using inline method.
Alex Schneider
Accepted by admin
That report was about pagination formatting.

I accept the issue, since the Template #40 (by F) displays all article pages in one IV. It's better than pagination.
Alex Schneider
Can you please elaborate on why inlining is better?

I agree that it would be better for the site to have whole articles on a single page, but they made a different decision.

In the original, different parts of an article are each on their own web page, with distinct URLs. For the user, there is no "whole article" page, just separate parts. If we inline them, all the parts will generate identical IVs. Imagine that someone wants to share a video on the 5th page, but gets an IV for the whole article. That's just weird and totally unexpected for the user. "You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle."

If we keep pagination in the body, though, there is no problem at all. That's how it's made on the website. The user experience with IV is the same as with the original, they get what they expect.
Accepted by admin
- If we inline them, all the parts will generate identical IVs

It's not critical
Template #36 Issue #3
Feb 20, 2019
IV for this page doesn't implemented correctly
Alex Schneider
There is no problem on template's side. The tweet has been deleted.
Declined by admin
Template #36 Issue #4
Feb 20, 2019
IV for this page doesn't implemented correctly
Alex Schneider
Declined by admin
Template #36 Issue #5
Feb 20, 2019
the cover image is not 1st image in the list
Alex Schneider
"Several images appear in the article one after another. In this case, the template should not break the sequence by extracting one of them as a cover"
Declined by admin
Template #43 Issue #1
Feb 23, 2019
IV not generated for this page
Mehmet Akif Şahin
its not a article page
Accepted by admin
Template #44 Issue #1
Feb 23, 2019
IV not generated for this page
Accepted by admin
Template #44 Issue #2
Feb 23, 2019
Related article section is nit implemented
Declined by admin
Template #44 Issue #3
Feb 23, 2019
missing image caption
Accepted by admin
Template #45 Issue #1
Feb 26, 2019
The title should be identical to what is seen by the user.
Accepted by admin
Template #46 Issue #1
Feb 26, 2019
embedded post is not loaded. my template can do it
Alex Schneider
This is an embed of a deleted tweet.

Your template doesn't load the embed. It simply shows the text as a paragraph, which is a wrong way to do it.

My template, on the other hand, properly embeds the tweet and also keeps the text inside as a fallback. How to display it is up to Telegram.
Declined by admin
Template #46 Issue #2
Feb 27, 2019
Alex Schneider
They refer to themselves as
<meta property="og:site_name" content="" />
Accepted by admin
Template #49 Issue #1
Mar 1, 2019
media abl writen twice
Accepted by admin
Template #50 Issue #1
Mar 4, 2019
Accepted by admin
Template #46 Issue #3
Mar 4, 2019
The credit text is incorrect. The Instagram account name is cut. The text is affected by email protection by mistake and it seems the template removes protected emails at all.

Protected emails should be preserved, since they might be fixed by the IV parser in the future.
Accepted by admin
Template #48 Issue #2
Mar 4, 2019
Missing author
Accepted by admin
this site have author in many pages and have editor in some of them. I thought that EDITOR is mot author. anyway, I will correct it and submit another template based your opinion.
Accepted by admin
Editor as a person who published the post can be considered as an author.
Template #51 Issue #1
Mar 7, 2019
Accepted by admin
Template #52 Issue #1
Mar 8, 2019
figure caption should be present in "figcaption" format.
Alex Schneider
These captions aren't formatted in any meaningful way to extract them:
<span style="font-size:11px"><em>McGregor tengah bersama sang istri, Dee Devlin.</em></span>
Declined by admin