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Pencinta eSports, Debut ESL Clash of - Arena of Valor Segera di Indonesia
Perusahaan eSports terbesar di dunia, ESL, mengumumkan debut ESL Clash of Nations - Arena of Valor di Indonesia pada 29-31 Maret di Jakarta

Issue #4

#Q to admins:) On this website all articles have editors (editor is always inside dable:author meta and visible on the page), and some of them have penulis (author in indonesian).
What we should do in this situation ?
1) Save editor if no penulis, else save penulis (like this Template & Template#30)
2) Save both (Template#29, Template#34)
3) Save only penulis name (if no penulis name author tag is empty) (Template#33)
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Feb 16, 2019