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Link Preview

Issue #2

Related links should show the title of the news
<related> tags only support setting a title for the whole block – and these blocks have no title in the source article.
Templates only need to provide the URL of each link (that is what the IV preview shows by default), as the IV engine will automatically infer the titles from the relevant IV pages.
In other words, using article titles as titles of <related> blocks adds redundancy and is not common practice.

"We designed the RelatedArticles block to deliver a better IV-reading experience to the users. The IV engine automatically checks whether articles in the <related> block have an IV, you don't need to worry about this. If pages have no IV, they will not be displayed. If this results in an empty block, it will not be displayed."
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Feb 16, 2019