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Issue #3

Rudimentary content need removed
Aleksei | ChainSafe
It's the part of the article text. Content issue, not template.
Accepted by admin
This is the remnants of a flash (😷) object which cannot be supported and is not essential - other templates have been able to remove this safely
Aleksei | ChainSafe
I understand why this code appeared in the article body, and that it is just a mistake of a content manager/web developer, but should we decide for authors which content to show? It is included in the original article text and displayed as text when you open a page with a browser. Is it our job to work on the author's mistakes?
Accepted by admin
Hey Alexey,

The reason it is displayed like this in the original article is because the content the player is linking to no longer exists. I imagine that if the content did exist (and you still had Flash enabled for some reason), that it would display some kind of promotion/banner here

It is basically the same as if the website had a custom widget here at the bottom - it does not matter if this custom widget is working or it is broken, in both cases we should remove it because it is non-essential to the IV version of the article

Many thanks for all your hard work, by the way
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Feb 11, 2019