2. It is not intended that the text will change in the future. The article is added some time after the end of the year. The article does not change in the future.
3. This is a consolidated annual article. This is the text typed by the author. He grouped speeches, added short descriptions table of contents, and cover image.
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1. This is not an automatically generated list.
It's not like https://jug.ru/speakers/ or https://jug.ru/category/events/
2. It is not intended that the text will change in the future.
The article is added some time after the end of the year.
The article does not change in the future.
3. This is a consolidated annual article.
This is the text typed by the author.
He grouped speeches, added short descriptions table of contents, and cover image.
4. "No posting time" - this is not an argument.
What these pages are qualitatively different?