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ケータイ Watch
SUPER INFOBAR、talby 2……幻のモデルも登場するau Design project 15周年展示
 KDDIは、「au Design project」の15周年を記念した展覧会「ケータイの形態学 展 - The morphology of mobile phones -」を7月21日~31日まで開催する。会場は東京・丸の内(有楽町)の「GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi」。入場は無料、時間は11時~20時(最終日は17時まで)。7月27日には深澤直人氏を招いたトークイベントも開催される。

Issue #1

Photo caption missing. In original 2 photos have one caption.
*All* captions from the source are present in the IV : *no content is missing*.
All captions appear below the images they refer to, like in the source. They are just presented horizontally in the source, vertically in the IV.

In this case, I think it's the better way to present captions in the IV: if we duplicate the same caption under each image, it would add content and be further away from the original look in the source (where they appear only once), and the reader would have to read several times the same caption (in some articles the captions are very long).
Note, anyway, that there is only one caption in the source.
Accepted by admin
The images must be wrapped in <slideshow> with a caption
Because the caption spans over 2 images ? The problem is that it is impossible to reliably identify how many images these captions apply to on all articles of this website.
See this article for example : .
We could make several 2-image slideshows one after the other for the cat images, but look at the table with 9 pigeon images down the article : the caption reads "I tried to cut the flight of a bird in 9 pictures" (translated), so the caption clearly applies to the 9 pictures above it. However there is nothing in the source which allows to identify this.
Other templates which do as you recommend here end up showing the 6 first pigeon pictures individually and then a slideshow with a caption which essentially reads "9 bird pictures" but with only the 3 last pictures in it.
The source doesn't allow to distinguish this case with the case where the caption actually only applies to the last 3 images of the table (sometimes the case on other pages).
Accepted by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 6, 2019