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NASA Skips Mombasa County yet Again, Joho’s Desperation Increasingly Apparent
For the umpteenth time, NASA presidential candidate and his running mate Raila Odinga yesterday flew into the coast toured the counties of Tana River and Lamu then flew back to Nairobi. Mombasa County so far is

Issue #1

This paragraph is in each article of this domain. Is your template not perfect enough to handle this exception?

p.s. Sam Chen, do you cooperate with site admins? How did the form, as absolutely default and not related to the article, appear in your last issue (I checked this page before)?
Not identifiable. No class, only p with texts. It could endanger other contents.

P.S. Are u idiot? That page was published at 12 Mar 2019, 16:28, when do u think I joined this template?
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Mar 26, 2019