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Issue #1

Incorrect publication date.

This website shows dates without the year part. When parsed for IV, all dates without the year are assumed to be 2019. However, this article was published in 2018. You can verify it by searching for this article in Google: it'll show the correct date:

We, however, do not have means to obtain the full date. Page source does not contain this information anywhere.

Publication date is obligatory for news articles, but incorrect date is worse than no date at all.
Since published_date requires full date, we can't use it for this website. The best we can do is including the publication in the body as text. It'll match the source exactly.
Pavel T.
And what will changes if we include it in the body?
Don't know what to do with it. Let's wait for admins decision.
Accepted by admin
Agreed that incorrect date is worse than no date at all.
It's acceptable to not display the date or display it in the body, if the correct year can't be obtained.
Type of issue
Author added their own content
Mar 15, 2019