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Issue #4

A bit more about previous one:

These images should not be stretched at full width of an article, they are intended to be inlined.

And although IV tells "NO MEDIA FOUND" - this seems to be some validation issue with the engine, because ".svg" works just fine in <pic> - nothing highlighted with red in the IV.
I thought svg is not supported in IV. I've never seen pages with svg in IV
Declined by admin
The NO MEDIA FOUND could be due to svgs not being supported in <pic>. Which would also not generate a valid IV on mobile.

For instance, <pic> definitely does not support .gif. In IV editor, <pic> with .gif will display, but it won't actually display in mobile IV because it's not actually supported.

It can be the same here with <pic> and .svg, as Template #19 doesn't generate an IV for this page on mobile either.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 13, 2019