Issue #1
- Accepted by admin
- Agreed, other templates have demonstrated that it is entirely possible to generate IV for these pages. The video is non-essential content that is not part of the article - so by removing it we are not losing anything important
See also:
- Alex
- Admins, How do you determine what is important and what is not for the user? I do not see the logic. What are the criteria? Somewhere you reject the templates if the video is cut, and somewhere you approve. Why?
And your wrote:
2. IV Targets: Must NOT Generate
Pages with unsupported embedded content that can't be displayed
6.4.2 Video/Audio from unsupported players
Otherwise, mark the object with the @unsupported function.
You never write that I can just cut out some of the unsupported content.
- Accepted by admin
- The reason for different decisions will be because each domain is different, and the way they lay out pages and how important the videos are to the content differs.
In this PARTICULAR case, this domain includes "Bonus Videos" at the bottom of articles - which are not part of the article content - and are simply there to increase engagement. Such content is not necessary and as long as it can be safely removed (which other templates have shown is possible), then it should be.
Of course, if one of the videos on this site is in the middle of the article, and not preceded by the "Bonus Video" text then it is to be considered part of the article content, and therefore should be marked as @unsupported and no IV should be generated.
It is only because these videos are clearly not related to the article content, that we recommend removing them
- Type of issue
- IV not generated for target page
- Reported
- Feb 15, 2019
This is explain continuation for this issue on my template:
I must on this way, because all is important for this specific case.
For example:
Article is about waterpolo, bonus video is for Basketball club Partizan.
That bonus video is from next article:
And on that page that video is essential content and for that page IV not generated.
Look at that article on my template:
Article for Red