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Issue #1

Your gallery is not work, always opening only current image (rel canonical problem). My template support a full gallery
Except it does not and I could give you countless examples, I include just a few: and
Probably you weren't aware that the maximum inlinable pages are 30. So while I support 100% of the galleries you support few full galleries. The said "canonical problem" it's affecting the page, but it's not template fault, the
Accepted by admin
"So while I support 100% "

Since "Siguiente foto" do nothing because of the canonical, technically your template supports 0% of galleries. In this case the IV is able to show only the first slide, so there's no sense to generate IV for galleries at all (also note that link to the second slide will generate IV for the first for the same reason).

It's better to generate IV for galleries with <30 slides than to generate IV for a single slide with useless navigation.
Since the only rule that applies here 6.3.7 that states "If pages can’t be safely assembled into one IV, you must preserve navigation. Please confirm that navigation is working and all further pages open correctly. If navigation can’t be preserved, the article must not generate an IV.". Clearly galleries are often quite long so inlining problem arises frequently. I preserved the navigation because I thought this was the right thing to do.

But you wrote:
> It's better to generate IV for galleries with <30 slides than to generate IV for a single slide with useless navigation.
This statement, that sound as a rule of thumb, is better be reported in the rules, because it's otherwise arbitrary and at this point I think that's unfair applying a rule that is never mentioned.
Accepted by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 23, 2019