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Issue #4

This isn't image, but slideshow
Accepted by admin
I know the contest is finished and I'm not trying to reinstate my template, but I'd like to understand.
This issue doesn't make any sense, images are not all gathered in a slideshow at the bottom of the article in the source, look at the preview on the left (or open the article in a browser) : there is a separate cover image at the top...
Why would anyone want to gather them in a slideshow below ?

I've brought forth more arguments there in case someone would ever care :

I wish you'd just explain why forcing the cover in a lower slideshow would be the correct way to present the page in IV.
This issue has already been confirmed valid at least 3 times but has never been justified or explained.
I'm only looking for clarifications here 💡
Thanks in advance for explaining.
Accepted by admin
That's how the article looks like in a browser:

Regular user is able to open the slideshow by clicking on the image. In the IV it's just an image without a gallery/link to it
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Apr 22, 2019