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Issue #2

Wallpapers are one of the article types on this website together with articles, image albums, infographics, quizes, etc. (full list is here:

Yes, the latest wallpaper page is dated by 2014, but
1) this pages are static and perfectly suit the IV format;
2) you never know when the new wallpaper page will be published (for example, there were no quizes for 3 years, or new infographics for few months)
Siddiqjon πŸ’» πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Ώγƒ„
I have checked that. There are only 14 pages with such html structure and they stopped publishing of such type of articles in 2014.

As I said in the previous issue, this pages contain non-standart( even broken ) html structure. The expamples are that this page contain tags like <h4 class="h3"> ( ) and there is no div tag with class "article-body" which is "standart" for another articles in this domain.

I am not going to take a risk of supporting of these pages, because this could affect quality of other pages.
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV not generated for target page
Feb 28, 2019