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  ठाणे महानगर पालिकेच्या दंत चिकित्सा कार्यक्रमाच्या शुभारंभासाठी युवासेना प्रमुख आदित्य ठाकरे वर्तकनगरमधील महापालिका शाळेत आले होते. यावेळेस त्यांनी ...

Issue #1

The published date/time should be in UTC. The shown time is in IST.

Section 6.1.2
"The IV editor‘s ’Preview‘ section will always show the date/time in UTC format, while the ’Original' section may use a different time zone."

The meta tag on the page is incorrect as it does not specify the timezone correctly. The correct time with timezone is available in on of the JSONs on the page.
Also, the time shown to user is in IST as the target is always India for the website.

This time can be and should be shown in UTC.
There is a correct date
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Feb 17, 2019