When I was making a table of contents I was not sure how best to do it. Then I decided to see what it looks like on the device? And that's what I saw there: https://telegra.ph/file/18647a571cf67b2553bbf.png
The table of contents was in a closed toggleable block. Well here it is obvious, I thought.
I was absolutely sure that this is an invalid issue. But it was accepted. And I completely forgot about this fact with the device when wrote the appeal.
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When I was making a table of contents I was not sure how best to do it.
Then I decided to see what it looks like on the device?
And that's what I saw there:
The table of contents was in a closed toggleable block.
Well here it is obvious, I thought.
I was absolutely sure that this is an invalid issue. But it was accepted.
And I completely forgot about this fact with the device when wrote the appeal.