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Link Preview
La última victoria de Nicky Hayden :(
Por Mrborji

Issue #2

Thumbnail in link preview is missing. This is mandatory (cf checklist quote below). It can be extracted from open graph. See template #7 as a better way to handle it:

"Thumbnail for link preview must be shown if a suitable image or document exists in the source."
Would be great that Telgram fix it. Is because I'm using document_url, which used with image_url not generate the image preview. Will be fixed easily with one line of code.
Accepted by admin
Your template has wrong document_url. The preview image can be shown.
The manual says that "document_url" is "Link preview document (used in link preview)" (

This site have the meta tag "<meta property="og:url" content="" />"

I consider that the content of the meta tag is the url of the current page in the site and the Checklist don't say anything about the document url (I supose is not required).

However, if I have "image_url" in the template and set the "document_url" variable, the image preview is not shown. If I comment the "document_url" rule, the image preview is shown properly.

I think that is a Telegram problem and not a template issue. Date and author (for example) are independent variables that work each one in their way. document_url and image_url should do the same (no documentation or information about this behavior and ther's not way to report this)
Accepted by admin
I'm sorry you were confused. The document_url is not the URL of the article, it is the URL of some file, image etc. Which could serve to improve the preview, putting an invalid URL (for example, the URL of the article) breaks the preview.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Jun 19, 2017