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Link Preview
Олег Діденко: «Власники облгазів хочуть і далі безкоштовно використовувати газорозподільчі мережі»
Голова ДК «Газ України» – про збитковість ГРМ, важелі впливу на Дмитра Фірташа та нюанси стосунків держави з приватними власниками

Issue #1

There is Issuu widget in original, which is not supported in IV aik
This widget contains essential content (documents), so this page should not be generated in IV

Checklist 2.3 (
2. IV Targets: Must NOT Generate
2.3. Pages featuring content unsupported in the IV format
• Pages with unsupported embedded content that can't be displayed
• Any other unsupported content"
Doesn't seems this is directly related to interview, it's more likely additional content
Accepted by admin
It's part of the article and should be displayed in IV if possible. Since it doesn't seem to be possible, there shouldn't be IV for it.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 3, 2019