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Issue #1

This is not a blockquote.
1. the text of the quote is incomplete.
2. the quote is not mentioned in the article
3. the quote is not essential for the understanding of the article

It's just some note from the user, correllating with subject of the article.

Should be <related> in my opinion.

The structure of it resembles one of "read also":
"Козерог" - name of an author
" 11.02.2019 14:03 " - published date
"Вопросы по раздельному сбору ТКО" - title
"Пошел второй месяц, как сменился региональный оператор по обращению с Твердыми Коммунальными Отходами (ТКО), им стал ООО "Центр Экологической безопа..." - description
I think it's crucial piece of article. That's the question, article answers to and it's essential to see the context. It's different from other related links and that's intentionall.
Also quotes shouldn't be complete (that's why it called quotes and not retelling). Quotes shouldn't be mentioned in article. Actually it's very rare when they are.
Accepted by admin
The block should be removed
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Feb 23, 2019