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Issue #1

ad and social links should be removed. according to
Accepted by admin
Љубиша Беговић
I just want to tell you that you have different decisions for very similar cases, nothing else.
You are not consistent in some cases...

This isn't fair. You accepted this issue, but my similar you are declined - not identifiable.
All similar cases that I reported are identifiable easily and can be removed safely. Like this.
I don't report anything that doesn't work on my template.
This paragraph also can be "not identifiable" - doesn't have any special class, id or another parameter which exact identify it.
I cover more "rudiment content not removed" (ads and social links) than the current main candidate (and probably winning template).

Also, my report is "very old article", but for a similar case you accept issue from another candidate.
2012 and 2014. - very old, but 2015 is new, isn't it?

Best regards, have a nice time.
Declined by admin
Indeed those links can't be identified properly.
Sorry for a mistake
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Mar 7, 2019