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Alita: A harc angyala (2019)
Harcolj egy szebb világért, s közben jöjj rá, ki is vagy valójában. Történet Dr. Ido egy különleges “dologra” lel, miközben alkatrészeket keres: nem másra, mint Alitára. A lány nem emlékszik rá, honnan jött, illetve, hogy ki is ő valójában, de a doktor nagyon is tisztában van vele. Személyesen a harc angyalához van szerencséje. Szereplők Rosa …

Issue #2

This page has 1) a movie rating (see the relevant issue:; 2) last news about a movie. Both look like essential parts of content and not just "Rate this post" (like here: and "See also" kind of casual stuff. So, it shouldn't generate. In all, this page looks like a typical catalog page that are not targets for IV.

Instead, you removed the rating and made the last news into <related>.

Similar issue accepted:
It definitely shouldn't generate IV, but it's not my template's issue. It's accidentally handled as a news page by the website. It's in filmhirek category, the path is /filmhirek instead of /film, and the <article> element also has class "category-filmhirek" instead of "category-film". Meta "article:section" also has "Filmhírek" (=movie news) instead of "Filmadatbázis" (=movie database). Please see:

My template doesn't generate IV for anything in, where such pages are. This is clearly a one-off.

And it's not identifiable another way. Not generating becase of the rating or related is wrong, because those may not be essential, and therefor aren't reasons to prevent IV generation.
Declined by admin
Source issue
Type of issue
IV generated for non-target page
Mar 23, 2019