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Italozva ünnepeltek az Aquaman sztárjai
A napokban befejezték a jövőre érkező, DCEU-nagyágyújáról, Aquamanről szóló film forgatását, amit a stáb kellőképpen megünnepelt. Pár héttel azelőtt, mielőtt Jason Momoa Arthur Curryként-vagyis a vízalatti birodalom uraként- bemutatkozna Az Igazság Ligájában, Aquamanről szóló fényképek és hírek lepték el az internetet a munkálatok lezárásának örömére. A film a (főleg) ausztrál forgatások alatt Ahab néven …

Issue #4

The same happened here: you left the block header out of <related>. "Note that if a header for a related article is not reliably extractable from the body, you must not use <related> for that link. (Otherwise, if the link gets no IV, the text will have a hanging header)."

In fact, this is a block of last articles in the category, so this <related> shouldn't be here.
This is something that can't be done well, and I thought this is the least wrong way to deal with it. The problem is, that the header isn't reliably identifiable, while as you say, the whole thing should be removed. Therefor I've chosen an in-between: I don't just leave as is, cause it's a dynamic list of "Latest articles from this category”, and it would look terrible, but also don't remove completely, cause there's the header. The worst thing that could happen is the hanging header, but
1: that's normal on this website, they have hanging "News" header by themselves in film summon pages (check some in where there aren't any news, so users wouldn't be surprised
2: it's not likely at all that an article from here won't have IV, it's a really simple website with short news, without any unsupported content

Anyway, fortunately it's not a common problem - this is the only target page I know with such widget, also it's from 2017.

Declined by admin
Not critical, since there are no such related links in the most recent articles and there's no safe way to remove the header.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 23, 2019