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Issue #1

Tags, share link and other rudimentary content is not removed
Denis Kondarattsev
This is an IV bug, content is not properly generated for this page
Accepted by admin
Denis Kondarattsev
Please reconsider this case. I think an IV server-side content fetching bug is involved here, and I will try to explain this in details.

Firstly, all outlined rudimentary elements have corresponding rules to remove them in IV template:

@remove: //p[has-class("Tags")]
@remove: //div[@class="breadcrumbs"]
@remove: //p[has-class("UserAgreement")]
@remove: //p[has-class("Rubric")]

Though in this case, those rudimentary elements are still present in the output. Debugging with the last line "@debug: $body" shows that output template still holds all those elements just as they are presented in @remove rules.
There was no complicated fetching of content on my side, the content of the page is taken from the line:

$content: //div[@class="box-content"]

Therefore, all @remove rules should work on the insides of the $content variable.

Another thing, URLs containing "?block_mode=iframe" are not designed to be shown to site users, they are just showing the news content, without headers, menus and other control eleme
Accepted by admin
@remove doesn't work in your template due to a mistake with @remove://div[@class="header-container"].
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Jun 19, 2017