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Issue #1

missing figcaption
if you click to image you can see figcaption
Andrew A.
I've seen these captions and opted not to include them for the following reasons:

1. They are effectively meaningless: on all pages that I've come across, they look like technical text (often coinciding with filenames) and duplicate the content.

For example, check your template with the following pages:

The captions look rather weird.

2. Interaction is required to see them, so, by default, they don't exist for a regular viewing user.

3. There is another site that works on the same engine. The same issue (except that it was about a slideshow) for it was declined by admin:
Declined by admin
Didn't find any pages where this text would be important. It's more like @alt content.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 26, 2019