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Issue #2

Movie details missing
Marco Zordan
Wrong issue
Looking the IV, the code and the original site via browser.

The IV takes the contents that the user sees through the browser on the original site.

Invitation to look at IV and the original site and it shows that there is all the information of the film
Accepted by admin
The page is a hub for all information related to the movie. It has no sense without navigation (tabs). IV must not be generated
Marco Zordan
The issue refers to the "Dettagli" missing, while the admin refers to the tabs and the IV that should not be generated.
It seems unfair to give the issue right. A new issue had to be made.

However, I don't agree with the issue because the contents are present in separate pages and that worked.
Following the admin's instructions I disabled IV when there are tabs, but I appeal for this template to be restored.
Accepted by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
May 1, 2019