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Issue #3

Some divs weren't removed and that is not the subtitle of the post. This post doesn't even have one.
Mykhailo Komendant
I know that this issue is valid (rudimentary content after first photo), but I hope admin's read my comment and provide feedback on this case.

1. The paragraph tharting with 'Heldu diren bi uretan ...' can be considered as a article summary or leading paragraph.

2. The first selected text (Iñaki SOTO: Gara egunkariko zuzendaria) is can be used as subtitle, because it provide an extra info about article, that is not described in title (in this case, the name of the person interviewed)

Another example:

In this article, the text above title is translating 'Countdown for the PGE and the conflict with Catalunya' that explains which topic is covered in the article.

I think this text is quite related to use it as subtitle.
Declined by admin
In this case it's acceptable to use it as a subtitle. Perhaps it's even better to format is as a kicker
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Feb 10, 2019