Excessive amount of empty paragraphs could be reduced, it will make the users think the article is finished while there is more content after these empty lines, You can use this:
@remove: //p[not(./*) and text()=" "]//next-sibling::p[not(./*) and text()=" "]
Its reliable way to reduce empty paragraphs following each other, It will always keep one empty paragraph in case that empty paragraph acts as line break.
They exists in original page so it's not obligatory to remove them
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Apr 5, 2019
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@remove: //p[not(./*) and text()=" "]//next-sibling::p[not(./*) and text()=" "]
Its reliable way to reduce empty paragraphs following each other, It will always keep one empty paragraph in case that empty paragraph acts as line break.