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Link Preview

Issue #1

The page should not be generated.
1) This page is a list of articles (catalog). The checklist says that this kind of pages should not be generated.

2) There is no text at all on this page, only links to sections (dynamic sections).

3) Each of the links has a class "menu item", as well as sections on top of the site menu. Which once again confirms that this page is similar to the menu.
Rodrigo Vieira
It's not a catalog page. See body @class with "single-post" and the same layout for common articles. No dynamic content. Static page.
Accepted by admin
Rodrigo Vieira
Really admin?
My template was rejected because of a single URL that contains old content from an old theme?
Clearly this page is not a category or wordpress page or archive page, it is a single post, which is used in all common blog articles.
Compare the body attributes:
//body@class="post-template-default single single-post postid-2659 single-format-standard rubriki global-block-template-1 single_template_2 td-full-layout td-js-loaded"
with a common article:
//body@class="post-template-default single single-post postid-225320 single-format-standard mihail-isaev-rasskazal-o-moshennicheskih-shemah-vyizhimaniya-deneg-iz-munitsipaliteta global-block-template-1 single_template_2 td-full-layout td-js-loaded"
The date of this post is from 2014!
It has been viewed 44144 times!
Static page!
I have analyzed more than 400 pages only this url appears!
Accepted by admin
Your analysis shows this page is unique since it contains "menu-item" (that also has class "menu-item-object-category"). It seems the site creators use this element (as well as its parent "sub-menu") exclusively to automatically generate category list.
The post itself is from 2014, but it has been updated in 2017 based on article:modified_time. That means the categories list is periodically updated.

Since this page doesn't contain content suitable for IV (no text, no images, only category list), seems to be automatically generated and can be properly identified by unique element ("menu-item") to not generate IV, it shouldn't do it.
Type of issue
IV generated for non-target page
Feb 26, 2019