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Issue #1

You must unsupport this kind of embeds
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It's not critical because IV not generated in that case.
Accepted by admin
Agreed, check 2.3.
!! !!
WAT? My page has no IV.
2.3. Pages featuring content unsupported in the IV format
- Pages with unsupported embedded content that can't be displayed
- Any other unsupported content
> Tip: The rule here is simple. If a part of an article is not available in the Instant View format, an IV page must not be generated. In most cases, this will happen automatically, but it is a good idea to confirm this before submitting your template for the contest. Mark any unsupported essential content using the @unsupported function. See this section for advice on handling unsupported videos.

6.4.2 Video/Audio from unsupported players
If the unsupported widget has an iFrame version, make it into an <iframe>. If you do that, the IV page will not be generated due to unsupported content, but things will work out of the box if and when we support that widget.

Spotify isn't audio/video anymore?
Declined by admin
Sorry for the inconveniences - it is actually better to mark that as unsupported. But since the site does not generate IV anyway, that's not a valid issue in this particular case.

@Template Creator: Please make sure to unsupport this if you need to resubmit your template.
Type of issue
IV not generated for target page
Mar 15, 2019