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Issue #2

site name is wrong. Original site_name is
"" not "La Nuova Periferia".
The site_name property must include the name that users see on the main page of the website (examples here).
Giovanni M.
The site_name I set is valid for a number of reasons:

1) The only place you can read "" is their logo image, but even the alt attribute of the logo is "La Nuova Periferia".

2) Despite what you said, the original site_name you can find in meta "og:site_name" is "La Nuova Periferia". I set site_name property by hand so I'm sure it will never contain extraneous content.

3) They clearly identify themselves as "La Nuova Periferia" and the ordinary user can see it on the contact information present in the footer of all pages.

4) Their name on Facebook is "La Nuova Periferia":

5) If you would be precise using the logo content, you should set " Torino, Chivasso e Settimo", too long!

Anyway I think users will have no problem identifying the site whether you call it "" or "La Nuova Periferia".
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 24, 2019