The Instant View Editor uses a three-column layout, so you really want to use it on a desktop screen that's wide enough. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Issue #5

No unsupported content here
Accepted by admin
It looks like this article can be supported. Feel free to provide an explanation in an appeal.
Yes I wanted to explain it. In this page is video element as on another pages but scripts does not load it for some reason. Maybe video is unavailable or something like that, i don't know. It cannot be identified by iv means
Declined by admin
Alright, we'll revert our decision on this. Sadly there are other valid issues on this template, so we can't revert your template to it's previous place.

If there is a template which fully supports this site, we might re-consider accepting it.
Type of issue
IV not generated for target page
Apr 22, 2019