The template 21, is uploaded on March 16 at 9:21 a.m. and is rejected by the admin that same day at 6:37 p.m. Where are the 73 hours to look for issues? In less than 12 hours was rejected without waiting for the hours stipulated in the rules, without allowing me to put issues, or anything. And in my template 20, I uploaded it on day 6 and it was rejected on day 16, about 10 days to check, and on top of it for a lot of the time it was unable to search for more issues or anything.
WTF dont use issues for chat with admins, send message on @ivpublic
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 17, 2019
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And in my template 20, I uploaded it on day 6 and it was rejected on day 16, about 10 days to check, and on top of it for a lot of the time it was unable to search for more issues or anything.
And is missing the author