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Issue #3

"Фото: Николас Герин" means that "Николас Герин" is an author of these photos. You lose this information. All contributors should be saved.
Not identifiable.
Declined by admin
Accepted by admin
This info must be preserved in the IV
It's not identifiable... Just a <td> How do your rules work?
I understand that author is required but this field is not author.
Its optional.

Why is some places the same thing is critical and in others not?

In lots of places it just says.
"Фото: Инстаграм"
Accepted by admin
The article is about photos. The photographer info is a crucial information in this case. It's not required to display it in the author property, but it must be preserved in the IV. For example, in the footer. You already identified and extracted the author's name from the same table, so it's identifiable.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Apr 22, 2019