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PC Magazin
Makrofotografie: So gelingen perfekte Nahaufnahmen
Vom Zwischenring bis zum Focus-Stacking: Unser Ratgeber zur Makrofotografie liefert wichtige Grundlagen und hilfreiche Zubehör-Tipps.
Vom Zwischenring bis zum Focus-Stacking: Unser Ratgeber zur Makrofotografie liefert wichtige Grundlagen und hilfreiche Zubehör-Tipps.

Issue #1
Missing related articles
- Amir
based on new rules:
"Your IV may only have one block of related articles at the end of the page. If the source has several blocks, merge them together or choose which one to keep."
I decide to keep one of them as related and delete the other one.
- Declined by admin
- Type of issue
- IV page is missing essential content
- Reported
- Mar 24, 2019