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Link Preview

Issue #6

Related to this:

ID 66092 is post ID, but 66093 and 66094 are image attachment IDs.
You can't mess that.
Images are always linked to its attachment, never to post ID.
If you know how WordPress works you know that surely.

You can write any existing ID in URL, WP will redirect you to page with exactly that ID, doesn't matter what post type it is.
?p=number or ?attachment_id=number

Try this:
WP use "p=number" for post. If you open link above you will get the attachment, not post:
Because WP knows that this ID is attachment type, not post type.

Most of WP images have separate attachment page, depend on WP settings.
Attachment page isn't post, just link to a page with the same image in high available resolution, which also presented on IV.

"Image links are required only if they are meaningful. If the link opens the same image in a higher resolution, it must be removed."

So... this is enough clear.
Declined by admin
Duplicate issue
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Mar 28, 2019