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Link Preview

Issue #1

I was too lazy to fix my previous issue. But anyway, here's my last remaining issue for you or I'm not sure if I can find one.

You can convert the embed to link since it is a document file. Like this

Thank you for the good fight, Ilya. ciao (:
Ilya Borovik

I think the pages with Google Docs embeds are used very rarely on this domain so we can leave them inside the iframe version. They are already iframes in the code, no manipulation is needed.

Yes, a link will provide this page with an IV in client apps. But I doubt this particular link will be even shared through Telegram cause it's not a recent one and is about past events. But are there any other pages with this embed? I have seen only one other page with it.

Also, probably one day Telegram will add a support for Google Docs embeds and they will work out of the box.

Thank you for the fight too! Our competition definitely helped to make the template for this domain better :)
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV not generated for target page
Mar 25, 2019