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Issue #1

because it's only possible to copy entire paragraphs in the IV, you should separate them with <br>'s. You can use this code snippet:

@wrap(<span>): $body//div[@id="text"]//text()
<p>: $body//div[@id="text"]//br[./next-sibling::br]
This is a minor issue with 3 year old article. New articles don't have this issue.

Multiple issues about <br><br> formatting have been rejected:,

Your neat two-liner is not enough by the way: source already has, confusingly, multiple paragraphs, and applying it directly will lead to illegal nesting.
Declined by admin
Div class "text" contains one <p> with text and spans inside it. There's no safe way to convert it into paragraphs. Not critical.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Apr 7, 2019